Cultivating Culture Limited
Privacy Policy

Hello. We are Cultivating Culture Limited (called we, us or our below). Here is our Privacy Policy which tells you how we collect, use, share and protect your personal information. It applies to you (called you or your below) when you use our website or purchase our products or services. This means you agree to our use of your personal information and to receive communications from us as set out below. 

What is personal information?

Personal information is information that can be used to identify a person. This may include your name, contact details, user name and password, IP address, credit or debit card details, customer survey feedback and details of products or services we provide you.

Your obligations when giving us personal information

  • Please only give us up to date and correct information.
  • Please don’t give us personal information about someone else unless you have their permission and they know about this Privacy Policy.

Where we collect your information from

  • Mostly, and where possible, we collect your information directly from you, such as when you set up an account, contact us via email, phone, the website or social media, post content or place an order.
  • Sometimes, we collect information from other sites (like social media), from companies or people that work with us, from publicly available information or from other people you have told us we can collect it from.

Why we collect your information 

We may collect your information to:

  • provide our coaching and online course(s) to you
  • respond to questions from you
  • improve your personal experience on our website
  • perform analytics and conduct research
  • get feedback to improve our coaching and online course(s)
  • collect any money you owe us
  • comply with our legal obligations or enforce our legal rights
  • promote our coaching and online course(s) to you and provide other information we think you may find interesting (including information promoting our business partners). We may contact you electronically (for example, by email or text message) to do this. You can unsubscribe from receiving these messages at any time by emailing us at [email protected] or using the opt-out function provided with the email or text
  • protect you from anyone else pretending to be you, or
  • for any other purposes authorised by you.

Using your information 

We will only use your personal information for the reasons we collected it. 

Who we share your information with

We normally hold your information ourselves. However, we may share your personal information with:

  • any business that helps us or works with us to provide our coaching and online course(s) (for example, suppliers or professional advisors)
  • credit check or debt collection agencies
  • as required or authorised by law, or
  • anyone else, as authorised by you.

Disclosing info outside NZ

We only disclose your information outside New Zealand where the person we disclose it to: (i) is doing business in New Zealand (and must comply with the Privacy Act 2020); (ii) will, we believe, adequately protect the information; (iii) must comply with similar privacy laws to the Privacy Act 2020; or (iv) where you have told us we can.

What happens if you don’t provide your information

Providing your information is voluntary but if you don’t provide it, you may be limited in your use of our website and you won’t be able to purchase any products or services from our website.

How we keep your information safe and secure 

We have security protections and procedures to help keep your personal information safe and protect it against loss, unauthorised access, modification, disclosure or any other misuse.

How you can access and correct your information

You can ask us to show you what personal information we hold about you, and to correct any mistakes, by emailing  [email protected]. If there is a legal reason we can’t let you see the information, or if we don’t agree with your correction, we will give you our reasons and note your requested correction to the information.

How to make a privacy complaint

If you think we have not followed our privacy obligations, you can make a complaint by contacting us at [email protected]. You can also make a complaint to the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner.

Changes to this Privacy Policy and privacy law compliance

We may change this Privacy Policy at any time by posting the new Privacy Policy on the website. Please check back regularly so you are aware of any changes. 

We will comply with the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020. Although our website and products or services may be accessed by people outside New Zealand, we cannot guarantee we comply with the privacy laws in any country other than New Zealand.