Kumara Korero (aka Testimonial)

The well-known Māori proverb “Kāore te kumara e kōrero mō tōna ake reka” translates loosely into English as   "The kumara (sweet potato) does not say how sweet he is".  This proverb accentuates the indigenous value of humility. While I'm not one to talk about my strengths as a coach, I'll let previous clients share their whakaaro (thoughts) with you.

Naketa is an amazing coach - she is interested, open and thoughtful. She is inclusive, and provides creative and appropriate feedback. Her extensive experience and background provides insight into many different cultures and values, I have noticed that this enables her to relate to people from differing backgrounds


- ECE Director, NZ

 I have enjoyed the coaching sessions I have had. They have given me clarity on what to focus on when I feel cluttered with all my thoughts


- Primary Teacher, NZ

 Naketa is a ball of amazing energy that makes you feel comfortable from the first conversation. In coaching with Naketa, I was able to truly dig deep to arrive at solutions. Naketa’s skilled questioning allows you to truly think and she leaves a positive impact and energy with each session


- Leadership Consultant, Washington,USA

  You are incredibly helpful in supporting and challenging me in my learning. You are able to zero in on the seemingly insignificant details of what I'm saying and unravel the deeper concerns I'm wrestling with, challenging me to work hard. All of this is done in an incredibly supportive way. I also like to reflect on your skill in the conversation and I learn many tricks and tips along the way for how to get better at this myself. You're awesome Naketa


- Curriculum Co-ordinator, Saudi Arabia

 Naketa was a skilful listener and supported me by picking up on key words in my self-reflection to expand my thinking beyond my current situation. There was a good blend of listening, challenging and supporting


- ECE Leadership Consultant, NZ

I have experienced first hand the value and encouragement I have received through these coaching sessions. It provides clarity and you come away feeling quite refreshed to have talked through an honest and sometimes vulnerable conversation with yourself but most importantly it is the integral listening skills and impartial sound board provided by Naketa. She's amazing


- Senior Adviser, Ministry of Health, NZ

Naketa is a natural coach. Her empathy, thoughtful reflections and genuine care flows through her coaching. I feel incredibly lucky to have been partnered with Naketa and hope to continue our journey together. Thank you for your insights, empathy and reflections


- Psychologist, Australia

You value people and because of this you have built positive, trusting relationships that have led you to be successful in your role. You have helped strengthen my identity as a leader and brought to my consciousness some of my deeply held values and beliefs, which led me to become more intentional of my actions and decisions. You are a natural provocateur who challenges and supports people in psychologically safe ways. And this is something that I truly appreciate in you! You are authentic and you care enough to help people get better in what they do even if it means asking difficult questions and having important/courageous/honest conversations


- Speech Language Therapist, Canada